Black Woman Japanese Man – What to Teach Our Kids About Race?
How should a black woman and Japanese man handle the complex issues of mixed race children?
How should a black woman and Japanese man handle the complex issues of mixed race children?
White man in love with black women is confused about the status of their relationship and doesn’t seem to understand that she is not going to give him a title until he lets her know where his head and heart are.
Reader questions his disappointment in a female friend that lost her virginity to a Black guy instead of a White one.
Many Black women seek to date interracially because they believe White men are better than Black men by virtue of their skin color. Is it smart to believe in racial stereotypes?
After his marriage with an Asian woman ends, a now single Black male wonders if interracial relationships are worth the bother.
White woman in relationship with Black man admits she doesn’t understand him or where he is coming from most of the time. Is love enough to bridge a racial divide?
Black woman involved in interracial relationship with a White man that verbally abused her and abandoned his children shocked to find herself in a new relationship with yet another loser White guy.
AskHeartBeat.Com continues to collect valuable sociological data on U.S. dating habits with Edition III of our Interracial Relationships Survey. Online since 1999, our IR survey has had over 100,000 respondents. Share your thoughts and opinions!
The world of internet interracial dating and the issues surrounding black women seeking love from white men online is examined.
In a moment of anger, a White male calls his Black girlfriend the “N” word. Is there any way for her to trust him again after an outburst like that?
A White mother’s racist attitude towards African Americans is demonstrated when her son begins dating Black women.
When racism rears its ugly head in a teen dating relationship, an idealistic young woman asks “why so much hate?”.