Everyone I know has a boyfriend but me!
I’ve been single for almost 3 years now and cannot remember what it feels like to have someone to care about me. The last boyfriend I had broke my heart…he said there was someone else. Talk about ripping out the heart and stomping on it! I get so lonely. When I go out with my friends I get depressed because I feel ugly. My self-esteem gets so low because I am all by myself, especially when I see couples together. I want to be happy too!
NEWS FLASH! Just because you are in a relationship does not mean you are happy! Some of the most miserable people in this world are married or living with or dating someone they have no business with. You are still in the under 25 age group and are tripping about being single? Get over it! You should be happy you aren’t burdened and can travel and date around and party without worrying about someone else’s feelings about what you do. And surely you don’t think you are the only one in the world who has had their heart broken by some insensitive jerk? People get their hearts broken every day and they get over that as well.
Lastly, no man wants a miserable, sad and depressed woman! Men want women that are independent, spirited, happy and that bring something enriching to their lives. If you are sitting around whining and with the “poor me” attitude – waiting for some man to come along and save you from yourself – then girlfriend you will CONTINUE to be single for a long time.
No man wants a woman who is going to burden him with emotional demands, clinginess and insecurity. No man wants to be your whole world as if you had no life before he came along. Men want to share their lives, not be placed in a position where you glob onto them like a leech, sucking the life out of him.
Making yourself happy is solely your responsibility. Get some hobbies, interests, new friends, something in your life that brings you joy and pleasure. Get busy making happiness happen.