How do I know if this is the one?
How do you know if someone is really right for you? How do you know if this is “the one?”
It feels right. You feel absolutely comfortable. You are on the same wavelength. He or she meets your primary criteria for a partner (age, smoking/drinking/drugs, physical compatibility, religion, morals and values, outlook on life and family, etc.).
Communication is great! You understand each other’s ideas and thoughts. Even if there is a difference of opinion or desires, you work it out smoothly and arrive at a mutually satisfactory compromise.
You feel supported and encouraged by your partner to be the best person you can be. Some people report feeling like they could conquer the world, as long as this person was by their side.
You certainly feel that you can depend on and trust this person with your heart and your life. They don’t lie to you or play games with your mind.You feel secure that they will do what they say they are going to.
You are a good match emotionally, and your caring and respect of each other is mutual. You like many of the same things. You don’t have to make excuses for their rudeness, their lateness, their flakiness, their abusive language or bad treatment of you. Your family likes your mate, and so do your friends.
Factor in whatever else is important to you. But the things listed above are the basics absolutely necessary to have a wonderfully satisfying, long-term relationship.