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By May 6, 2017

What do you mean “black women have an attitude?”

When some males don’t get what they want from women, they are quick to label her as “having an attitude.” But in the real world, what does that mean? Just because a woman doesn’t show interest in YOU when you show it in HER, doesn’t mean there is anything at all wrong with who or what she is.

The problem is most likely unrealistic expectations of the male involved. This video breaks it down.

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Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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Posted in: Coop's Corner

About the Author:

Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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