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By February 28, 2014

Why Do Guys Keep Telling Me What Type They Are Attracted To?

Dear Ms. HeartBeat:
Guys that show interest in me always tell me at some point what kind of girl they are attracted to, and it’s basically the opposite of me. They like short, thinner, red or blonde, etc.questionmarkclipart

What I want to know is if I am not their ‘type’, then why are they talking to me/showing interest in me? Why come around me just to insult me and make me feel bad about what I’m NOT instead of what I am? I know I’m only 20 and don’t have that much experience with men yet, but really doesn’t seem like a smart move when it comes to getting a girl!

Are Men Stupid or What

Dear Men Are Stupid:
Yes, men are stupid. The sooner you learn that reality and accept it, the better off you will be. Instead of expecting intelligence and logic and responsible behavior, you’ll understand that the guy who possesses those traits is an anomaly, not the norm. Most guys, especially young ones in your age group, are kinda dumb and clueless about women.

Now for why they would come around you and say those horrid things… it’s done intentionally. It’s a well-popularized technique in the pick up artist industry. Their goal is to make a woman vulnerable and insecure, because in their sick twisted little pea brains, it makes her easier to manipulate and control into giving them sex. That’s what its all about – using your body, then dumping you.

So in essence, these emotionally cruel words are a way to mind-f**k you and tear down your self-esteem. Such behavior is actually emotional abuse. What they’re essentially saying is they have a type, you’re not it, but they’ll “settle” for you like they’re doing you a favor. Their goal is to see what you’ll do to get and keep male attention. They place you in the position of sucking up to them and behaving in a desperate fashion to get his attention focused on you, while you jump through hoops to “prove” that you’re as good or better than his self-proclaimed “type.”

Now, pay attention here: when a guy says this to you, you never talk to him again. NEVER. He is an abusive fool and no one you should ever associate with. He hurt you once, that is the only chance he should ever get.

As soon as those words leave his lips you turn around and walk away in the opposite direction. If you’re on the phone, hang up without saying goodbye.


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Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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